Relational Trauma & PTSD Treatment in NJ

At TherapyCouchNJ, we understand the complexities of all forms of relational trauma and the lasting effects they can have on individuals. That's why we offer counseling services that focus on helping you heal from these attachment wounds and develop healthy coping mechanisms to navigate your relationships. We believe that everyone deserves to feel safe, secure, and fulfilled in their relationships, and we are here to support you on your journey towards healing.

Excessive anxiety can cause constant worry and racing thoughts, making it difficult to concentrate on tasks at hand. It can also lead to difficulty sleeping, physical symptoms like heart palpitations, and avoidance of certain situations. You might find yourself feeling irritable, tense, and on-edge for no apparent reason, which can be emotionally exhausting and lead to burnout and fatigue.

If you're struggling with any form of relational trauma and want to start healing and rebuilding your capacity for trust and healthy relationships, please call us at [212-652-2216] or contact us today. We are here to help you every step of the way.

Common Effects & Symptoms of Relational Trauma

Relationship trauma can really impact us, affecting how we feel and how we interact with others. It can show up in different ways, like finding it hard to trust people, feeling really scared of being left alone, or always needing to be in control. For example, if someone went through a cheating situation before, they might have trouble trusting others and struggle with getting close to someone again. Or maybe we grew up in a family where there was a lot of arguing, and now we're really scared of any kind of conflict.

Some common signs of relationship trauma include feeling anxious, being afraid, feeling ashamed, doubting yourself, avoiding getting too close to others, and doing things to protect yourself that might not be healthy. It's also common for people with trauma to keep getting into bad relationships in order to resolve the loss that they went through before.

Therapy can be really helpful if you're dealing with relationship issues pertaining to establishing trust, intimacy, assertiveness and healthy boundaries. It can provide a safe space for you to talk about what happened, help you find better ways to cope, and support you in building healthier relationships. Therapy can help you understand yourself better, learn how to communicate well, and change certain behaviors that keep you stuck, so that you can have happier, more fulfilling relationships.


Heal From Relational Trauma & PTSD with our Treatment in NJ

How does Treatment for Trauma & PTSD Works at Therapy Couch NJ?

Trauma therapy at Therapy Couch NJ, led by Dr. Vijayeta, focuses on helping individuals heal from trauma and develop healthier relationship patterns. With Dr. Vijayeta's expertise in trauma treatment, you can expect a compassionate and effective approach.

Dr. Vijayeta specializes in various methods to cope with trauma. One approach she utilizes is Internal Family Systems (IFS), which helps you explore and understand the different parts of yourself that have been affected by trauma. By working with these parts, you can find healing and create healthier dynamics in your relationships.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is another approach used by Dr. Vijayeta. It helps you identify negative thought patterns and behaviors related to trauma and replace them with more positive and adaptive ones. CBT can be empowering as it teaches practical skills to manage anxiety symptoms and improve your overall well-being.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is also effective in trauma treatment. It focuses on building skills to regulate emotions, improve communication, and develop healthy coping strategies. DBT can be particularly helpful for individuals struggling with intense emotions, self-destructive behaviors, and for the treatment of depression.

These approaches have shown efficacy in treating trauma by addressing its underlying mechanisms. IFS allows for self-exploration and integration, CBT targets unhelpful thoughts and behaviors, while DBT provides practical tools for emotional regulation and healthier interactions. Through trauma therapy, you can gain a better understanding of yourself, develop resilience, and create more fulfilling and meaningful relationships.

How to find the right Trauma & PTSDTherapist in NJ?

Finding the right trauma therapist in NJ is an important step towards healing, and it's crucial to choose a licensed therapist who specializes in trauma treatment. In New Jersey, licensed therapists have met specific education, training, and ethical standards, ensuring they have the necessary qualifications to provide quality care.

Dr. Vijayeta is an exceptional online trauma therapist in NJ, offering judgment-free therapy services. With extensive expertise in trauma treatment, Dr. Vijayeta provides a safe and supportive space for clients to explore their experiences. Her deep understanding of trauma and its effects allows her to help clients navigate their healing journey and regain control over their lives.

Through online therapy, Dr. Vijayeta offers convenience and accessibility, allowing clients to receive therapy from the comfort of their own homes. She prioritizes building a strong therapeutic alliance, fostering trust, and creating a non-judgmental environment where clients can openly share their thoughts and feelings.

Dr. Vijayeta's approach combines evidence-based therapies, such as Internal Family Systems (IFS), Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), tailored to each client's unique needs. She believes in empowering clients to discover their inner resources, develop healthier coping strategies, and find resilience in the face of trauma.

If you're seeking a trauma therapist in NJ, Dr. Vijayeta is committed to providing compassionate support and effective treatment. Together, she and her clients embark on a healing journey that promotes growth, self-discovery, and a brighter future.

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Find Solace and Healing From Relational Trauma & PTSD