
Family Therapy
and Consultation Services in

Families are complex and nuanced systems. And all families have a unique way of relating to family members. Some are close, some are not. Some give each member space, some are very involved with each other, perhaps even enmeshed. Some are simple and straightforward, some have complicated dynamics.

Within families, members can have dynamic and complex relationships with each other. How each member relates to the other depends on their history, perception, level of closeness or conflict with one another. When these relationships are ruptured for one reason or another, family therapy is a great way of bringing unresolved issues on the table.

How to know If your Family needs Family Therapy

Typically, one or more family members recognizing awkwardness, conflict or hurt feelings approaches therapy in order to “clear the air” with another person in the family. This can be a mother-daughter or son-mother dyad or even a parents-daughter or parents-son triad or sometimes the entire family.

Family therapy sees the family as the patient where each member has a role they play towards the family dynamics. Sometimes sessions are held with everyone and at other times there could be individual sessions to work on certain issues in depth.

Some issues that bring families to therapy are:

Communication issues


Substance Use/Abuse

Estrangement or strained relationships between family members

In-law problems

Death, grief, loss

Failure to launch issues

Blended Families

Mental Illness



Get professional help for your family's challenges


What to expect from Family Counseling

There are several forms of family therapy, and the choice of therapy type depends on your family’s particular needs and circumstances. Sometimes, therapists may combine elements from different therapeutic approaches to best meet your needs.

Some forms of family therapy include:

Benefits of Family Therapy NJ

One of the biggest benefits of family therapy is improved communication. When families are struggling, communication often breaks down, and everyone becomes frustrated and angry. Family Therapy can help you learn new ways to communicate effectively, listen to each other, and resolve conflicts in a constructive way. By improving communication, families can build stronger relationships and develop deeper connections with each other.

Family therapy can also help strengthen relationships between family members. By working through problems and learning to communicate more effectively, you can develop a more supportive and nurturing family unit. This can be especially important for families who are going through difficult times, such as divorce or the loss of a loved one.

If you're struggling with parenting challenges, family therapy can provide valuable support and guidance. A family therapist can help you develop effective parenting strategies, manage behavior problems, and create a more positive and nurturing home environment. By working with a family therapist, parents can develop the skills they need to raise happy, healthy children.

Divorce can be incredibly difficult for everyone involved, but family therapy can help families navigate this challenging transition. A family therapist can provide support for parents and children, help manage emotions, and develop strategies for co-parenting. By working with a family therapist, families can find ways to work through the challenges of divorce and build a new life together.

Finally, family therapy can be an effective way to address issues related to children and teens. A family therapist can help manage behavior problems, improve communication, and strengthen relationships between family members. By working with a family therapist, families can find ways to help their children and teens thrive.

How to choose the right Family Therapy Therapist in NJ

Finding the right family therapist can be a daunting task. However, when it comes to improving the relationships within your family, it's important to take the time to find a therapist who is experienced, knowledgeable, and a good fit for your family's unique needs. Here are some tips for finding a good family therapist:

1. Seek recommendations from trusted sources. Ask friends, family members, or other healthcare professionals for recommendations. A good therapist will have a positive reputation among those who have worked with them.

2. Look for credentials and experience. A qualified family therapist should have a master's or doctoral degree in counseling or psychology and have completed specialized training in family therapy. They should also have a significant amount of experience working with families.

3. Evaluate the therapist's approach. Different therapists have different approaches to therapy. Make sure the therapist's approach aligns with your family's needs and values. Consider whether they focus more on cognitive-behavioral therapy or on a systemic or psychodynamic approach.

4. Consider logistics. Think about the therapist's location, availability, and fees. Make sure they can accommodate your schedule and budget. Whether you prefer in-person or online family therapy.

5. Trust your gut. A good family therapist should be someone you feel comfortable talking to and who you trust to guide your family through the therapeutic process.

Remember, finding the right family therapist takes time and effort, but it's worth it to improve the relationships within your family. Don't hesitate to reach out for help and support.

At TherapyCouchNJ, we're here to help families navigate the challenges of life and find ways to build stronger, healthier relationships. We also provide online therapy services in NJ so you can build stronger connection with your family from the comfort of your own home. If you're ready to take the first step toward a happier, more connected family, we're here to help.

Take the first step towards healing your family today
I was angry, hurt, defensive, and anxious when I started couples therapy which got us nowhere. But Dr. V helped me understand how to understand my emotions and communicate with my partner so we could sort things out.
Satya S, Morristown NJ
All my life, I believed I had to be a "perfect" parent and learn how to forgive myself when I sometimes screw up. I learned how to handle my son's cursing and backtalk and get the respect I deserve. Thanks to therapy, I can feel good about being a mom.
Lea K, NYC
Dr. V taught me how to understand myself and my feelings without being ashamed of them. I learned to set boundaries and that I don't have to be everything to everyone. It's okay to say no sometimes. My confidence and self-esteem are WAY better thanks to Dr. V's compassion and knowledge.
Antara, P, Jersey City, NJ

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