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Couples Therapy
in NJ

When you began your relationship, things felt so much simpler between you both. You loved each other and felt safe and secure in your relationship.

But, no relationship is immune to challenges, obstacles and problems that can arise when two people decide to join their life together. These roadbumps can come from different places- sometimes from within and from without, some predictable, some unexpected.

Life transitions such as employment, the joys (and struggles) of raising children, stress of professional pursuits, financial rollercoasters, illness, injury and health challenges, or family conflicts such as meddlesome in-laws can leaving a marriage or relationship susceptible to fragmentation and a loss of shared hopes and dreams.

Many people who approach Couples Therapy experience:

  • Drifting apart or boredom
  • Constant fighting or negativity
  • Lack of intimacy or sex
  • Financial stress
  • Loss of trust & Betrayal
  • Infidelity (emotional or sexual affairs, social media online cheating)
  • Family Conflict (problems with in-laws, siblings, parents)
  • Discernment Counseling (to stay or separate)

Trying to manage these problems and issues by yourself can lead to chronic unhappiness or conflict, which can erode a sense of stability and commitment in your partnership. And although many couples manage this slippery slope and make a turn to a more positive direction, others can struggle enormously trying to find their way back to one another.

What can seem like surface level problems are often connected to our social-emotional conditioning, deep fears and relational trauma.

Couples therapy can help you identify the real source of your conflict and drive the differences in a positive direction towards clarity and open communication.

Couples counseling helps you understand yourself so you can repair and rebuild your connection to your partner, once again finding security and harmony in your relationship.

When Should a Couple decide to go for Couples Therapy

When we are so madly in love with the other person, we can often overlook little or big things about the relationship (including red flags) that we should be paying attention to.

And over time, it can become clear that some issues persist or just don't go away, despite good intentions and well-meaning behaviors.

Arguments, feeling disconnected from each other, feeling neglected, lack of physical or emotional intimacy, can drive a big wedge between couples who truly love and care about one another.

Couples therapy before marriage

Are you a newlywed?

Did you just get engaged?

Are you and your partner looking to take your relationship to the next level?

Most people are unaware of how their personal history and conditioning impacts the way they think about relationships or the expectations they hold of marriage.

Does this sound like you?

Does this sound like you?

  •     You and your partner have arguments that don’t get resolved
  •     You feel like you’re always the one who has to compromise to keep the peace
  •     You’re concerned about how your partner’s financial situation will affect you as a married couple
  •     You’re worried about losing affection or having a diminished sex life after marriage
  •     You want to find healthier ways to resolve conflict
  •     You want to resolve religious or financial differences
  •     You want to define your marital roles and expectations

Premarital counseling is a great way for couples to become aware of their personal issues that impact their relations and also iron out any areas of conflict or disagreement between one another before they commit to spending the rest of their lives together.

Couples stand a better chance at strengthening their partnership when they can have honest conversations from the get-go. Proactively discussing important issues in the relationship and setting realistic goals and expectations for the future can help provide much needed clarity and stability in times to come.


For guidance and support to strengthen your future marriage, please contact us today so we can schedule an appointment.

Couples therapy for long distance relationships.

Long-distance relationships can be challenging as couples don’t have the luxury of time and space with one another to dive into conflicts and repair their issues.

This can lead to: 

  • Fight and arguments can quickly spiral into conflict that feels hard to return from. 
  • Insecurities and jealousies that drive a wedge between partners 
  • Lack of physical & sexual intimacy leading to frustration or resentment
  • Never truly feeling understood

Couples in long-distance relationships find that therapy helps create a designated time and space for working through the conflicts and building skills to resolve existing ones. Couples counseling helps partners understand their love languages and communicate them more effectively.

Couples Therapy for Married Couples

Do you feel like your relationship is at a standstill?

Are you and your partner stuck in the same argument loop every night?

Do you feel like you and your partner are drifting away?

Do you desire more intimacy between you and your partner?

Marital issues can be improved, changed and made better, with just a little support, and guidance no matter how big or small. With couples therapy, you’ll learn how to communicate your feelings and needs, and get more of what you want out of your relationship.

Some issues that bring couples to therapy are:

  • Addiction/Partner Addiction Support
  • Balance (Work/Life/Family)
  • Blended Families
  • Chronic Illness
  • Divorce
  • Extended Family
  • Infidelity/Cheating
  • Intimacy
  • Mental Illness
  • Pre-Marital/Readiness
  • Pornography
  • Sexual Compatibility 

In my couple’s therapy sessions, I help people develop the necessary perspective and skills needed to maintain sustaining love.

If any of the above relate to your and your partner in your relationship, contact me today for a free consultation. I would love to speak about how I may be able to help reconnect and rekindle your love for one another. I also provide individual therapy, treatment for anxiety & depression to help you navigate through other issues.

What to expect from Couples Therapy

Couples therapy can help you and your significant other improve your relationship by helping you develop better communication skills, learn conflict management, uncover your shared core values as well as identify differences that could create future conflict.

Working with a therapist means committing to meeting regularly so we can discuss your hopes, and dreams for the future as well as what is getting in the way of finding happiness together.

Everyone’s circumstances are unique to them and the length of time couples counseling can take depends on your goals as a couple, your individual desire for development, your commitment, and the factors that are driving you to seek couples therapy in the first place.

Our Approach for Couples Therapy & Marriage Counseling

At Therapy Couch NJ, we use different approaches to address issues and improve communication between partners. These approaches may include Emotionally Focused Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and the Gottman Method. Each method has its own unique way of identifying and addressing issues, and therapists may use a combination of these methods based on the specific needs and goals of the couple. Ultimately, the goal of couples therapy is to promote a healthier relationship by addressing underlying issues and fostering effective communication and problem-solving skills.

Strengthen your relationship with Couples

Benefits of Couples Therapy and Marriage Counseling

Are you tired of having the same fights over and over again?

Are you feeling more like roommates than lovers or you are starting to lose hope and even wondering if this relationship was meant to be?

Maybe you tried couples counseling before, but it didn’t feel like the right fit or it made things worse.

You’re not alone. In fact, most relationships go through hard times! It is an inevitable part of going through predictable relationship stages. Most couples get into trouble because they never learned the tools and skills necessary for making a long-term relationship successful.

Regardless of where you are at currently, you have already invested so much in your relationship.

What if you don’t have to break up? What if working on these challenges in marriage therapy can actually bring you closer together?


Couples Therapy NJ , How Can I Help?

Most couples wait too long…

You have probably tried everything you know on your own, talked to friends, family or your religious leader- and the longer you wait the harder it becomes to fix your relationship.

What if you could?


Feel trust and ease with each other


Have a more passionate, fulfilling sex life


Learn how to successfully collaborate as a team


Have confidence that you can talk about anything without fighting


Know how to support each other to be the best version of yourselves

With an education from Columbia University, and almost two decades worth of experience working with individuals and couples, I have extensive training and experience in couples counseling, marriage therapy, and premarital counseling. My approach is holistic, soul-centered and geared towards helping you both move towards greater vulnerability, authenticity and compassion towards one another.

Most couples that come to me for therapy struggle around issues related to: cultural differences, communication, intimacy and sex, and infidelity. Most have tried therapy before and not found it helpful. A few seek me as a last resort. Whether you are hitting the wall in your marriage or on the brink of divorce, it's never too late to seek help.

Ready to transform your relationship

Couples Therapy FAQs


What Kind of therapist is best for couples?

 It’s important to find a therapist who you believe understands the complexity of your issue as well as the nuances of culture, race or immigration as they pertain to your relationship. If you both can trust the therapist you’re working with, you’re more likely to be open and honest about your problems with them, as well as open to the feedback they may give you.

Should every couple go to Couples therapy?

A couple has to accept the reality of their relationship and take a call if they are willing to accept help. Most couples spend 6 years trying to fix their problems before they seek help which makes the problem more severe and disruptive. The smaller the issue–the easier it is to break it down. The more complex the problem is, the harder it is to sift through negative events, feelings and emotions, so my personal advice is don't wait!

Should boyfriend and girlfriend go to couples therapy?

Although both parties may not see the problem the same way, if they can agree on needing help with it–that is half the battle won.

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