
Relationships are built on…

Respect for, empathy toward, and a profound understanding of each another.


Because isn’t that what we signed up for? To be loved and appreciated by our special someone and to show them in turn why they’re important to us.

Like most things in life, they require conscious thought, action, and effort.

Here’s what most people don’t get – that partnerships and connections must be nurtured. That it’s not a done deal once we say I do or make the seven rounds of the fire.


That was just the first chapter to your book, and there’s a whole lot more of writing to be done.


Helping you understand how relationships work and what’s getting in the way…


Over the past 15 years, I have made it my mission to help people uncover the secrets to having healthy, long, and satisfying relationships. As a licensed psychologist and relationship expert, with a Ph.D. from Columbia University, I have helped enhance every conceivable type of relationship and couple – newlyweds, heterosexual couples, two-career partners, cohabitants, same sex-partners, not-yet-marrieds, and those wanting to “consciously uncouple” or divorce.


I have also helped people figure out who they are and what they want in relationships, not just with their spouse but also with family members or in-laws.


Because life is too short!


Do you really want to keep going around in circles with your love-life problems?


I’ll help you quickly identify the roadblocks and challenges embedded within your family, culture, or background, so they can be understood and fixed, once and for all. As an immigrant, I know what it’s like to have your foot in two different cultures. I know what it’s like to feel misunderstood. I know what it’s like not to know what to do.


In my work, I use mindfulness and principles of Cognitive and Dialectical Behavior Therapy, which I have found effective across cultural and religious barriers. My sessions are interactive and collaborative. You’ll have plenty to think about and work on outside of session. I will assign books or excerpts to read and things to practice – because the work must happen not just in session, but outside of session!


Relationships can be an emotional rollercoaster of experiences and emotions…

… if we don’t know how to fix them.


Partnership can have highs of passion, intimacy, and joy… but it can also come with the lows of disappointment, frustration, and loneliness. It’s a balancing act that few can successfully manage independently, especially if we experienced difficulties in learning to trust or unhealthy attachment growing up. We still feel trapped by the weight of that baggage. Often this is expressed in the form of behaving haphazardly or through self-destructive patterns in the relationship, such as trusting too easily or choosing someone who is not right for you.


Wondering if it’s too late… or even impossible?


After one too many disappointing encounters with partners, you may wonder if it’s possible for you or if you are capable of being a partner that can commit and bring their best selves to a relationship.


I’m here to remind you that you can change, that you are capable of growth and wisdom and moving from a place of pain and hurt to a place of strength and resilience.


Because we’re not perfect, and we make mistakes – and we sometimes hurt people we love. And just because that’s happened before does not mean it always has to be this way!

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