“On the surface…”

You graduated, got a great job, make good money, and have a great place to call home.
Your social media looks amazing – friends, travel, partying! It looks like you’ve got it all going on, but secretly you worry that others will figure out the truth – that you have no clue where things are headed.
Everyone in NYC seems so confident, but you are living the life of an imposter! Tormented by anxiety about your next steps.

“The facade is crumbling…”

You’re feeling lost and confused. You’re having trouble connecting with your own sense of self.
You thought you’d have everything figured out by now, but all those things you’ve worked so hard for aren’t bringing you joy, and you don’t know what to do next.
Tired of running the hamster wheel. You’re not even sure you’re in the right job or the right relationship – you don’t know what you want anymore. How did this happen?
You need help sorting it all out and finding some peace of mind!

How can I help you?

Get the help you need from the comfort of your own home with our couples therapy in NJ. Improve and strengthen your relationship today!

Experience the benefits of individual therapy in NJ. We offer confidential support to help you navigate through life's challenges. Book an appointment today.

Take the first step towards a happier life with family therapy in NJ. At Therapy Couch we offer online and in-person therapy sessions. Contact us today.

Take care of your mental health with online therapy in NJ. Therapy Couch offers virtual sessions that are flexible, convenient, and tailored to your needs.

Psychologist & Relationship Resiliency Expert

Hello, I’m Dr. Vijayeta Sinh

Deep inside, something’s not quite right.

Settling for feeling misunderstood, unseen, or unfulfilled in your relationship can be overwhelming.

I’m passionate about helping people who are open and ready to show up in their relationships, to find and keep the love they deserve.

Just call. We’ll sort through the chaos to discover your next steps in a direction that feels right for you.

Transform confusion and uncertainty into clarity, confidence, and peace of mind.

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Feel free to contact us and ask us anything.

    I would have never gotten through my divorce if it wasn't for Dr. V. She helped me rebuild trust and overcome my fear of intimacy. I am now dating again and ready to move forward with my life!
    Kelly K, Brooklyn, NYC
    Dr. V taught me how to understand myself and my feelings without being ashamed of them. I learned to set boundaries and that I don't have to be everything to everyone. It's okay to say no sometimes. My confidence and self-esteem are WAY better thanks to Dr. V's compassion and knowledge.
    Antara, P, Jersey City, NJ
    All my life, I believed I had to be a "perfect" parent and learn how to forgive myself when I sometimes screw up. I learned how to handle my son's cursing and backtalk and get the respect I deserve. Thanks to therapy, I can feel good about being a mom.
    Lea K, NYC
    I was angry, hurt, defensive, and anxious when I started couples therapy which got us nowhere. But Dr. V helped me understand how to understand my emotions and communicate with my partner so we could sort things out.
    Satya S, Morristown NJ